
Wys tans plasings vanaf Augustus, 2023

Denmark to restrict freedom of speech abandons democratic traditions

     The sleezy treacherous Danish government wants to restrict freedom of speech and expression in favor of a full ottomanization of the state. Democratic principles and constitutional gender equality finally lost their value to Mette's leftist junta. Burning the Quran, a book that indoctrinates hate against women, Christians and our values will not be allowed to be burned no more if Mette's junta get their will. Instead of finally legalizing Cannabis to reduce gang violence of drug cartells, Denmark is moving into centralistic unfree darkness. Let's hope a constitunional court will stop this scandalous development.

A sad day for the Empire thanks to Japan's incompetent government

    Thanks to Japan's incompetent and corrupt government now 3.500 tons of radioactive cooling water will be pumped into the Pacific Ocean over a period of 30 years. Any fourth grader knows that mother nature can recover from various disasters, but it needs time to recover. If the toxic flow continues for three decades there will be no recovery, the ocean's lifeforms will be killed forever, their DNA permanently damaged and a horriffic suffering of all lifeforms will be the result. Next time i'll launch a firework when Japan remembers Hiroshima, since that is what terrorists  deserve.