Fascinating Facts About Czech Easter

In addition to catching the beauty of spring, Eastertime visitors will come away from Prague with a pocketful of history and traditions to be shared back home (especially if a visit to the country’s more traditional Moravian region is involved). For a preview of what to expect for Easter in the Czech Republic, read our 8 fascinating Easter facts! 1. Is it Easter… or a celebration of spring? Velikonoce (Easter) comes from the expression velká noc meaning “great night” after the day in which Jesus Christ rose from the dead. During Communist rule, however, the religious celebration was suppressed and the arrival of spring was recognized instead. Since the Velvet Revolution and the collapse of Communism in 1989, Easter’s Christian roots have slowly been reestablished, though the holiday is still less overtly religious than visitors might expect (at least in the case in the capital city). 2. Easter Monday trumps Easter Sunday T...